This and that, news, hints, notes. Everything that doesn't fit somewhere else. And information about past events.


13.-14. November 2015 in Berlin

Der Darm, Zentralorgan chronisch systemischer Entzündungen?

Interdisziplinäre Tagung für Ärzte, Zahnärzte und medizinische Berufsgruppen, die sich kausal orientiert mit chronischen Erkrankungen beschäftigen (wollen).

Video Trailer.

From the webseite

GENERATION ZAPPED! is a documentary film investigating the growing body of research suggesting that wireless technology can pose serious health risks – from headaches to infertility to cancer.

Meanwhile, general learning approaches more and more the demands of the increasingly digital and multimedia society. We have also modified the concept of education, from the previous class lectures to the modern blended learning.
For this reason, the implementation of the course was transferred to the scopro learning solutions GmbH.

WHO Idiopatic Environmental Intolerance:
What is the Role of Electromagnetic Fields and Chemicals?

Mai 18th, 2015 in Brussels, Belgium

Congress programme and abstracts available.

on Mai 18th, 2015 in Brussels, Belgium

Topic of the event:

WHO Idiopatic Environmental Intolerance:
What is the Role of Electromagnetic Fields and Chemicals?