Clinical Environmental Medicine

Environmental Medicine (EM) is a discipline concerning the impact of environmental factors on individual health risks and common welfare. Clinical Environmental Medicine encompasses the medical care of persons with health complaints and medical findings which can be traced back to environmental factors. Read more about Clinical Environmental Medicine ...

Aus einer Nachricht von Lennart Hardell bezüglich der nächsten Mobilfunkgeneration 5G:

Dear All,

We have for some time been working on this appeal first to be sent to EU regarding 5G. It seems as if the frequencies (mm waves) that will be used have not been fully tested as to potential health effects. We ask therefore for a moratorium until research has been done by independent scientists.

If you want to endorse (no later than August 31) the appeal, please give


This time we are inviting only scientists.

Please, be free to distribute this to anyone that would be interested to sign.

Best wishes,
Lennart Hardell, MD, PhD
Department of Oncology
University Hospital
Örebro, Sweden

Den Text finden Sie hier:

Download this file (2017-08_EU_5G_Appeal_10_August_2017.pdf)EU 5G Appeal[PDF, EN]616 kB