Using the common methods to connect a web site to social networks introduces the possibility that personal data is transferred without your knowledge and without your approval already on page loading. This is especially true if you are logged into your account at a social network at this time. This does violate privacy laws in some countries and we do not want to support this anyway.

Therefore, we do not connect to social networks directly. Corrently we just have a Google+ page and two Twitter accounts.


If you want to follow us on Twitter, just log into your account and search for one of our accounts:

europaem_de or europaem_en

Click "Follow".

Now you have established a connection between your account and ours. Twitter will use this information for their purposes and pass it to other (possibly governmental) organisations more or less voluntarily.


We do not connect to Google+ either. There ist just a link from the Google+ page to our website. Most likely, however, Google will be able to find such a connection between you and us indirectly, for example through your search queries. Google will use this information for their purposes and pass it to other (possibly governmental) organisations more or less voluntarily.

For this reason we recommend using search engines that do not collect data or anonymize search queries to Google. You will certainly find information and tutorials in The Net.